About Soul Talk
Soul Talk raises the awareness of combat trauma and builds legitimacy for every person who was in a combat situation to discuss
and process their experiences. We connect to nonprofit organizations who deal with processing combat situations and other organizations that provide therapy and treatment for PTSD
Why Soul Talk
Thousands of Israelis finish their compulsory military service each year. Many of them will have been involved in combat situations or spent their military service in a continuous “Near combat” situation over the period of many months.
The intense stress that is a result of involvement in combat situations is traumatic (even though there is a latent period for the signs to appear) .
These experiences create the foundation for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) suffering for many of soldiers, every year.
Upon the release from the army, the traumatic (PTSD) symptoms start to become more apparent: un-explained anger, stress, depression, nightmares, sleep disorders, confusion, social anxiety, employment disabilities and more.
A freshly released soldier is still in a “hero” state of mind and not aware of his\ her vulnerability.
This lack of awareness to the emotional effects of combat is a major accelerator for PTSD symptoms to occur..
With the passing of years, without awareness and without treatment, the PTSD becomes chronic and very difficult to resolve.
Soul Talk's Mission
Soul Talk's mission is to pro-actively raise the awareness of combat trauma and build legitimacy for every soldier who was in
a combat situation to discuss and process their experiences.
In the Israeli society it is yet not perceived to be "cool" to admit that you are suffering emotionally as a result of events during military service.
Soul Talk promotes the perception that it is cool and important to be emotionally aware – and to talk about it in order to feel better, and to be able to function better. Our volunteers are dedicated to helping those in need to make that first crucial step in coming to terms with post-combat issues.
We then connect between released soldiers and professional organizations that provide therapy and treatment for PTSD.
We use advertisement, social media, P.R, students’ events and backpackers’ gatherings in India and Israel to seek out released soldiers and to help those in need to connect with the best solutions .
PTSD as a Social Problem
It is estimated by a variety of studies that a minimum of 30% of soldiers need to process combat experiences. In reality very few go through this process.
The dissonance between these figures has a direct effect on Israeli society.
An increase in the percentage who process past combat experiences will lead to a improvement in the quality of life for the veterans themselves and for their families.
Exposing young Israelis to the importance of this issue at critical times such as prior to compulsory military service, or before release from the military, or on the post-Army trek, allows the issues to be directly faced.
This in turn aids in formulating the future lives of many IDF veterans and their ability to develop their own identity, future relationships and interaction with society as a whole.

The idea of Sam Goodriche, the founder of Soul Talk, began to develop while he was on a six week vacation in India.
While being there he came across young Israelis who after spending time talking told him that they had experienced things in the army that effected them constantly.
He listened to their stories and told them his. Most of them had never spoken about these experiences.
Sam told them about therapy he was receiving from a nonprofit organization called Natal. He told them that he had been diagnosed with PTSD nearly ten years after leaving the army. This condition was a result of combat situations from when he was serving in a special unit in the paratroopers. He explained the importance of processing these combat experiences and the importance of therapy if needed. He told them about some of the organizations who work in this field.
They listened and wrote down information.
Some of them contacted the organizations or Sam when they returned to Israel and began the process.
For Sam meeting these people was inspiring.
He understood that he can help and make a difference.
And that's how Soul Talk was established.
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